Preparing for your session
Hey there - so glad you're coming for a session, I can't wait to meet you!
This page exists to give you as much information as possible coming into your photography session, so you can arrive feeling confident and prepared. There's quite a bit to read, but it's worth going through so we can get the best results out of the time we have together.

Timing and arrival
Please aim to arrive on time for your session, so we can ensure we have enough time to let the magic happen. This includes allowing time for your family to adjust to the new environment, and plenty of time for breaks as we go along.
When you arrive, look for my car - I have a green-silver sukuki swift. Send me a text or give me a call on 0225115096 if you can't find me.

What do I wear?
Things that work well in photographs:
- Colours: neutrals are always good. white, cream, grey, neutrals. Soft colours like blush, olive, pale blue, navy. Or more 'muted' versions of typical colours like rust, mustard, purples, ochre, etc. Black is okay, but do know it can sometimes hide your shape - for example, a pregnant belly may not show as well straight on as it would in other colours (see the picture of me - the line between my arms and body disappears).
- Textures work great. knits, lace, layers.
- Patterns/prints can work - as long as they don't clash. Try to keep them subtle.
- Comfortable shoes. We will often be on uneven ground (sand, grass etc) so keep the stilettos at home. If you do want a nice photo with heels on, bring them along, but also bring a practical pair to wear between shots.
- Backups! You never know when a spill could happen so it's always good to have something extra just in case.
Things to avoid:
- Bright colours. Yellow (ochre and mustard are okay, but avoid bright yellow), neon green, bright red. We want the focus to remain on you, not the colour of your outfit. If your shape is important, consider avoiding black as your shape can disappear (see picture of me - my crossed arms disappear into my body).
- Text, pictures or logos (unless relevant - for example, a 'big brother' shirt would look cute in a couple of shots - though worth bringing something else along too).
- Bold patterns, or patterns that clash. Think about what everyone is wearing to make sure that the outfits don't clash.
- Chipped nail polish. Try to tidy those nails before you arrive (if you're in the studio we have backup nail polish remover so don't stress if you can't find any).
- Check your wrists - hairties and sports watches may want to be removed. Also be aware of phones in pockets.
If this is a maternity session, I have a range of beautiful gowns you are able to use if you wish.
Check out our style board here on pinterest for more inspiration and tips and tricks for styling your session.
If you are still unsure, feel free to send me a picture and I can give you recommendations.

Working with black: do be aware that your shape can be hidden when wearing black. See how my arms disappear into my body?

What do I bring?
- Snacks and drinks
- Spare set of clothes
- Favourite toy to coax out a smile
- Any special props you would like to incorporate into the session

Digital files and products
Digitals will be available to purchase as a part of your session. These will be sent by email or a download link. These files can be taken to any printer to be printed, or can be printed through our professional printing partner (a link can be provided for you). When you receive them, please save them in multiple locations - e.g. your phone, your computer, and somewhere online so that you don't accidentally lose them. If we send you the photos via google drive, please remember to download them as while this link is shared with you, it eventually gets removed on our end which means on your end too unless you have re-uploaded them yourself.
Samples of our beautiful products will be available at both the session and the viewing appointment for you to see and touch, and when ordered, will be ready for you within a few weeks.

Preparing your baby and children for the session
Babies - please ensure that your baby has recently had a good, full feed and a nap as this will make them happy and relaxed for photos. When you arrive, take them out of the car seat and if they have fallen asleep on the way over, let them slowly wake up before changing them into their photo outfit.
Children - please ensure they have recently been fed and won't be too tired. You know your child best, so if there are nap times that need to be adhered to, just let us know.
Everyone - Please don't worry if anyone takes a little while to settle or if there are tears (or if you have a toddler who runs around the room!) - sessions always have a little element of chaos - it comes with the territory! Also, prepare for mess! If there's one thing I want you to know, it's please don't worry if/when baby pees, poos, spits up on anything. It happens a majority of the time, everything is washable for this reason and everything goes in the laundry after the session anyway. I have seen a few poo explosions in my time, so whatever comes out is unlikely to faze me!

Choosing props, colours and setups
Before your session, have a look at both images on this website and on the facebook page to get an idea of styles you may like - colours, props, and poses. What you like (and don't like) can then be communicated to me so I can style your session according to your own individual taste. If you spot something during the session that you want us to use (or not to use!), feel free to let us know! I promise we will not be offended 🙂

Your ordering appointment or gallery
When photos are ready, you will have the option to either view photos in person or via online gallery. Perks of each method -
In person - are you someone that finds it tricky to make decisions? Or, are you someone who would like to set aside time to get excited about your reveal and productively choose your images? If so, this may be the best option for you. If you choose to select your images in person, I'll first show you a highlight reel of all your images, and then together we will use my software to help you rate images, compare them side by side, and be able to zoom into the details. I'll be able to show you samples if you're looking to buy products along with your digitals, and will be able to advise you on what will go together well and look good on your walls. There is no 'hard selling' involved - I simply want to help you make the best decisions for what you need. For this reason, I personally recommend in person over an online gallery.
Online gallery - If you choose this, you'll be provided with a link to a gallery that will contain all low-resolution images in colour with a watermark through the middle of them. This is a good option for you if you have a few different people that want to view the images and help make decisions but can't make it to a viewing session. It's worth mentioning that if this is your preference, to have a look at samples while you are in the studio having your session so you know ahead of time what you may want to purchase.

Terms and Conditions
Please see terms and conditions here. Terms and conditions need to be agreed to before the session begins, by ticking the box in the questionnaire you will have been sent. Please note that with gift certificates and model calls, for part 2, credit specified by email will be automatically applied towards your order.
Looking forward to meeting you!